Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wait! What is Foot Zoning and how can it help me?

We have been blessed with ways to work on problems in our bodies. Our feet convey messages through texture, coloration and tenderness. Foot Zone Therapy is one way to encourage the body's natural healing ability. Our entire body is "mapped" into our feet!  Directed pressure to these specific areas trigger signals to the brain and tells these areas of the body to "wake up" and do what they are supposed to do.  Discomfort is experienced in imbalanced areas which means these are areas where healing is needed. Foot Zone Therapy helps stimulate blood circulation, hormone balance, lymph flow, digestion and detoxification. It helps balance our bodies emotionally, mentally and physically. 

Foot Zone balancing does not happen overnight. Our bodies benefit with multiple and consistent sessions over a period of a few months.  It's like peeling off layers of an onion... one layer at a time! This is recommended to detoxify and restore cell systems bringing the body back into balance. After this time, you and your foot zoner can set up a maintenance program. Don't be too surprised when your body tells you it's time for another Foot Zone!  

Anyone can benefit from Foot Zone Therapy! I would love to join you in your journey to a happier and healthier you!  

Run for Mental Health Awareness

I was invited to share my foot zoning at the Run for Mental Health Awareness this past weekend in Salem by my dear friends Anna and Sarah Nye.  It was so great to see so many people sharing what they love to help spread awareness for something so many suffer with. They had vendors from DoTerra oils, Reiki, Foot Zoning, Sports Fitness and many others to teach about what they do.  It was a great celebration.  They even had QPR training available!  🏃🏃  May 18, 2019

Mothers Day Boutique

I spent the weekend at the Mothers Day Boutique at the Salem Rec Center giving 5 minute Foot Zones to help relax the back.  It was so much fun meeting new people and making new friends.  This little guy is our future Foot Zoner and one of my most faithful clients.  He LOVES his foot zones.  I love sharing what I do with others. 💕   May 10 - 11, 2019

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

What an amazing little gland! Who knew! Did you know a Foot Zone can wake up the pineal gland too?🤔

Saturday, November 24, 2018

What is Foot Zone Therapy?

We have been blessed with ways to work on problems in our bodies. Our entire body is “mapped” into our feet! There are areas on our feet that correspond to every part of our body. By working over the feet in a specific way, we can send a message to each area in the body to “wake up” and do what they are supposed to do.

Foot Zoning encourages the body's natural healing ability. It works to stimulate blood circulation, hormone balance, lymph flow, digestion, assimilation, elimination and all the functions of the autonomic nervous system. The most important benefits are found through renewing cell systems and bringing the body back into balance. Anyone can benefit from foot zoning.  I would love to join you in your journey to a happier and healthier you!

Contact me today to schedule an appointment!


726 East 320 South
Salem, Utah